The Grand Theory

             Grand theory has been used over the millennia of human intelligence in order to establish the reality of their world. The phenomenon has touched on every area of not only human knowledge, but also on other areas of being such as religion and theory systems regarding the origin of the earth. So creation and evolution theories can be classified as grand, as can the various scientific theories worked out by persons such as Newton and Einstein. For every area of knowledge, therefore, there is a set of concomitant grand theories.

             Gronstad (2002) warns that a false grand theory could lead to a massive amount of misconceptions until it proves to be false. An example of this can be the centuries-long belief that the earth is flat. All of human reality conception was based upon this idea until it was proved irrevocably to be false. Indeed, the entirety of the human experience of reality appears to be based upon grand theory. The question in the face of all this is: is it possible to develop a grand theory today? Is it possible, the information being what it is, to come up with new ideas and theories relating to reality in such a way that it might be classified as a grand theory?.

             At first glance this might seem impossible. When surveying the body of scientific knowledge, it is clear that much more is known about the world today that was the case 50 or even as little as a decade ago. Technology such as the Internet has also made it very easy to learn everything about anything for a fraction of what the cost was without the Internet and email. The idea that the human race has advanced so far that they know everything there is to know about the world, or indeed that they are so advanced that no grand theories can possibly supplanted by others, is somewhat unrealistic.

             Once again, if one considers the flat earth theory, the human race found it preposterous that anything else could be true.

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