Anne of Green Gables and Alice in Wonderland: Dreaming Characters

             LM Montgomery, creator of Anne of Green Gables, is a woman of more simple background, living on beautiful Prince Edward Island in Canada. Although there is not great wealth in the society in which she is a part, the morals and rules are the same for children, including her character, Anne, whose background is one of unfortunate poverty. Montgomery brings Anne into her story, already an idealist as well as an intense daydreamer. The almost ridiculous personality Montgomery attributes to Alice is one that keeps Alice from falling into negativity and sadness over her things she cannot control. Although Montgomery makes Anne's descriptive ramblings extreme, they develop a character who had very little to work with, and provide her with channel for growing into adulthood. .

             Anne Shirley, in Anne of Green Gables, is possibly the most difficult character to analyze in terms of her dream life. Anne has suffered the loss of her parents and of being moved from one foster home to another. She helped raise two sets of twins, and has carried responsibility far beyond her age range. Her foster families have been unkind and demanding, and she reveals that one the foster fathers drank to excess and was abusive. That she ends up at Green Gables by accident is a marvelous gift for this girl, who has basically been raising herself. Anne has been so lonely for so long, she has made up "friends" using the reflections of herself in glass and in a pond. .

             ".I used to pretend that my reflection in it was another little girl who lived in it. I called her Katie Maurice, and we were very intimate. I used to talk to her by the hour. We used to pretend that the bookcase was enchanted.Katie Maurice would have taken me by the hand and led me out into a wonderful place, all flowers and sunshine and fairies, and we would have lived there happy forever after" (Montgomery 49) .

             Her self-image poor - Anne feels she is ugly and hates her own red hair; because of her background, she doesn't feel worthy being just who she is, but invents alternate personalities for herself.

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