The White Fang, By Jack London

             The story is set in the American Northland, when Indians still lived there.

             Who is the protagonist or main character of the novel? .

             White Fang is an unusual book because the protagonist and the main, title character is a dog named White Fang.

             What kind of person is the protagonist? .

             White Fang seems like a ferocious dog but he is also a survivor. He is not a cruel dog. He simply does not want to be tamed. However, when humans are kind to him, despite his fears, he is usually loyal and kind after he realizes he can trust his new owner.

             What evidence in the novel leads me to this opinion of the protagonist?.

             White Fang is the only dog in his litter to survive the great famine of the Northland. At first, the dog refuses to obey any man. Then, he gradually grows to trust the Indian Gray Beaver. He is the most feared dog in the Indian camp. No dog, not even Lip-Lip, can fight better than White Fang. When White Fang is later forced to become a dog-fighter for his new White owner, he is also triumphant but fierce. Then, when White Fang is finally sold to a kind owner, he learns to trust humans again and becomes a father of the next generation of sled dogs.

             What challenge or conflict does the protagonist encounter? .

             White Fang suffers many challenges, such as being forced to fight many terrible dogs. But the greatest challenge White Fang must face is when his owner, the Indian Gray Beaver, sells the dog to a cruel master named Beauty Smith. Smith forces Fang to fight other dogs for money. Eventually, a bulldog named Cherokee, owned by Tim Keenan, almost kills White Fang. .

             How is the conflict resolved? .

             A kind gold miner named Weedon Scott becomes White Fang's new owner. He tames White Fang with kindness, not with cruelty.

             What other characters are involved in the conflict? .

             Weedon Scott's assistant named Matt, and Weedon Scott's parents, Judge Weedon and Alice Weedon all help the dog to learn to trust again.

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