The Pro's and Con's and Ethical Considerations

This is largely due to the company's ever expanding service base. Wal-Mart continues to offers its customers broad access to a wide range of services in a cost effective fashion. .

             Indeed the mega company has consistently offered bargain shopping and other discounts to population members that typically are not able to afford to pay other than discounted offerings. An example of Wal-Mart's financial savvy includes its recent entry into the college textbook market, a market that is roughly $7 billion annually according to reports (Branch, 2001). The company recently started selling college textbooks offering roughly 30 percent discount prices to a population that historically could use a price break (Branch, 2001). .

             Such news often leads one to believe that all in all despite negative criticism Wal-Mart does serve some vital purpose. The company does provide discounted pricing to consumers across the nation and globe. But at what cost do all these benefits arise? There are many who suggest that the benefits of doing business with Wal-Mart do not come close to the costs associated with business, as described below. .

             Cons Wal-Mart.

             Of course there are just as many who support Wal-Mart as a negative influence on society. The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (2005) for example recently cited multiple violations by the company supporting its negative influence. The company noted that Wal-Mart historically pays many associates wages that fall below the poverty line, with sales associates earning on average less than $14,000 each year, according to a report the organization cited printed in Business Week and by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services (UFCWIU, 2005). Further those opposed to Wal-Mart note that the company does not provide many workers enough money to support a family despite evidence suggesting the company can afford a wage increases for employees.

             Recent news reports suggests that the company has also faced multiple wage and hour lawsuits, as many as 44 as reported by the companies 2005 Annual Report; still other studies suggest the company has violated the Fair Labor Standards Act as recently as July of 2000 (UFCWIU, 2005).

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