Analyze Movement in Pictures

            The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the art "Falling Shoestring Potatoes" by Claes Oldenburg, and "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci. Specifically it will talk about movement in the two paintings, including which painting has more. Both of these pieces of art show movement, they just do it differently. They are trying to get different responses from the people looking at them, and they both do that very well.

             Trying to compare these two pieces of art is kind of like trying to compare apples and oranges, because they are very different. One is very modern and funny, which the other is serious and dark. However, there is movement in both pictures, and that is clear. It's just different kind of movement, and it's meant to mean different things. The way the potatoes are falling out of the bag instantly looks like movement to the eye. That is because we are familiar with what dropping fries out of a bag looks like, and this looks just like that. Da Vinci's "Last Supper" also contains movement, because the disciples are listening to Jesus talk about how one of them will betray him, and they are reacting and moving away from each other like they are dangerous. This is familiar too, because we have all had the same reaction to something like that. If we are afraid or scared, we will move away and recoil, and that is what these people are doing in the painting. They are reacting to something scary.

             It seems that while both of these works show movement, the painting of the Last Supper does it better than the falling french fries. The fries work because we understand what they are doing and know that the fries would move if they were actually falling out of the bag. The painting though, shows the movement in greater detail, because it is a reaction to something important. Also, there are more people in the painting, and so Da Vinci could show more movement and reaction, and in different ways.

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