Analysis on Dante's and His '' Inferno"

            The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "Inferno" by Dante Alighieri. Specifically it will contain a brief history of Dante and the book, and explain how Dante and his work have influenced society. The "Inferno" may be the most famous of the three books that make up this author's "Divine Comedy." This tale tracks Dante's journey through Hell, the first part of his journey to find God. He begins at the bottom in sin (Purgatory or the Inferno, and claws his way to the top, where his lovely Beatrice awaits him in Paradise. Just as in real life, Dante must confront many difficulties in order to leave the pits of Hell and rise to the heights of Heaven. The story has a common theme, but that does not begin to illustrate how influential and important the epic poem has become to society. Dante's word still influence society, religion, and culture, and reach out to generations of new readers each year. Dante influenced political and religious thought, literature, and the Italian Renaissance, and his work is a testament to his lasting intelligence and genius.

             Dante Alighieri came from an influential and wealthy Florentine family - his father was a nobleman. Dante is actually a shortening of the family name, probably Durante or Durando, which was a common custom of the time. Dante was born in May 1265, and attended school in Florence, then at the University of Bologna. He also served in the Florence Army at the Battle of Campaldino when he was still in his early 20s. As a young man, he also studied in Paris and Padua, and enjoyed studying ancient philosophy and literature.

             Dante may be most well know for his love of a young girl who remained the love of his life throughout his life. Dante's love for Beatrice is immortalized in the "Inferno" and this paralleled his own life. He met Beatrice when he was young (perhaps nine), and loved her the rest of his life.

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