The Legality versus Ethics

             This is what many says especially when legality and ethics conflict. In work environments, which can really be more suitable to consider as the priority and standard ruling? Is it the law or the ethical values that we adhere as humans? .

             Basically, just the fact that we are humans, we sometimes think that ethical standards can be more consistent than what the law requires. This is because we believe that there is nothing more just than to provide what people need as humans. However, as humans who need to be organized to prevent complications, we also adhere to the minimum standards of the law. But, there are instances when such law and such needs of humans that can be provided by ethical cause conflict. One instance where law and morality usually conflicts happens in the job of medical professionals when they have to decide whether to terminate the life support of a patient or to give the patient and his family more waiting time for his revival. The law indicates that it is lawful to terminate a life support when a patient showed no sign of recovering from a comma for a long time. However, due to morality, there are medical professionals who choose continue the life support of patients and wait for their recovery.

             It is important to note that laws are generally based on ethics and moral standards of humans. If there are situations where ethics and law conflict we can decide on actions that can satisfy both the standards of the law and ethics. Laws were made to guide us with standards that can help us live our rights. The rights of humans are generally moral and ethical. Therefore, if the law and morality conflicts, it is almost certain that there are provisions we can choose so as to remedy unethical situations without defying what the law requires.

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