Information Key to Success

             A professional growth plan is an important factor for successful teaching (University of Phoenix, 2002). Rodriguez and Knuth (2000) note: "Lack of professional development for technology use is one of the most serious obstacles to fully integrating technology into the curriculum." This paper outlines my personal professional growth plan for integrating technology into my classroom. The most important skills teachers need to develop with regards to technology, training opportunities for developing skills and knowledge in this area, and technical proficiency goals are discussed.

             There are a number of important skills that teachers need to develop with regard to technology. Important among these is developing an understanding of the pervasiveness of technology in the lives of their students. For example, Valdez (2005) notes: "Teens and their parents generally think use of the Internet enhances the social life and academic work of teenagers." As such, a teacher who is not familiar with technology, or fails to use technology in the classroom, is in danger of losing a connection with his or her students. Students who feel that teachers have insufficient know.

             Successful teachers need to develop several practical, technology-based skills. These include the ability to use the Internet, general computer literacy, and knowledge of hardware and software used in the classroom.

             Perhaps even more important than learning practical, technology-based skills is developing an understanding of the appropriate use of technology in the classroom. Valdez (2005) argues that technology used inappropriately in the classroom can even impede student learning.

             Personally, many of these skills will be useful during classroom instruction. Developing stronger computer literacy will enhance my ability to seamlessly use technology in the classroom. In turn, my increased ability to use computers will decrease potentially negative student perceptions about the in-school uses of technology Valdez (2005).

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