A Personal Educational Philosophies

             My personal philosophy of education is holistic, and focuses on the role of the teacher as a facilitator of students. This personal philosophy is important in guiding my future career goals to become a better educator.

             I believe that teaching and learning are concepts that often cannot be easily teased apart. Often, we learn even as we teach, as in the case of a new teacher who learns a great deal about the importance of keeping the attention and respect of children as she teaches her very first real kindergarten class. In addition, we teach as we learn, as in the case of a child who shares his family's Christmas traditions with a class who is learning about holidays throughout the world. .

             Students, in my opinion, are active participants in the teaching process. Often, professional educators see themselves as teachers, and focus strongly on their teaching skills, abilities, philosophies, and plans. I see teachers instead as facilitators of learning among students. This belief takes the emphasis off the importance of the teacher as the authority who imparts knowledge to children, and instead focuses importance on the learner's role in acquiring knowledge or skills.

             My personal philosophy of education encompasses a little bit from each of the five philosophies of education. The five philosophies are: Essentialism, Progressivism, Perennialism, Existentialism, and Behaviorism. While many in the educational community tend to attach themselves strongly to one philosophy, and discount the others, I believe there is a lot to be learned from each of the theories. .

             That said, the philosophies of Existentialism and Perennialism have special appeal for me. Existentialism places a strong focus on the unique development of the student, with the teachers role to " help students define their own essence by exposing them to various paths they may take in life and creating an environment in which they may freely choose their own preferred way" (Shaw, Existentialism).

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