The Article About Problems in Marriage by Margery D. Rosen

             Rosen describes problems in the marriage of Jon and Lara. The article starts by describing Lara's understanding of the situation. She describes Jon as being stressed and depressed because of his work. She describes herself as avoiding Jon and trying not to upset him, while also noting that she feels anger towards him and guilt for feeling anger. She describes his problems as being based on problems with his boss, who she describes as a tyrant. .

             The article then goes on to describe the issues from Jon's point of view. He states that he should have every reason to be happy, including his wife, child, and the job that is perfect on paper. Jon then describes himself stating that he can "barely get out of bed in the morning" and says that he has no energy to talk to his wife or play with his son. Jon also describes his work situation as the source of his problems, describing his boss as a bully. .

             The next section of the article details the counselor's recommendations for the couple. She describes how Jon needs to learn to manage his stress. She also noted that Jon's difficulties in managing stress are based on insecurity, where he always feels that he is not good enough. With this in mind, she reminded Jon that he cannot change the actions of the bully, but can change how he responds. Jon now reacts to his boss's tirades by leaving the situation and stating that he will discuss it when his boss is calm. This has allowed Jon to gain more control over the situation. The counselor also helped Jon to put the situation in perspective by focusing on some unreasonable concerns that he had. This included making Jon aware that the prospect of another job hunt is not such a major concern. The counselor also helped Jon and Lara to reconnect emotionally and physically. The end result is a more positive relationship and one where Jon is better able to manage his stress. .

             Why Male Health is Women's Work.

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