Ethical Issues of Pharmacist

However, there are other stakeholders, who do not have a primary stake in the issues, but who do have interests that will be affected by the outcome of the issue. For example, the state is a stakeholder, because it has an interest in having consistent drug laws. The anti-choice and reproductive rights movements also have stakes, because if the state permits pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control on moral or ethical grounds, it might be taken as an implicit recognition of the position that birth control bills do not prevent conception, but actually prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. Such a position would place routine use of birth control pills in the category of abortifactents like the morning after bill, which might make them more difficult to access. Pharmacies are also stakeholders; because they have an interest in being able to provide their customers with the medications they are seeking without concerns that compelling a pharmacist to fill a prescription could violate the law. Likewise, pharmacies have an interest as employers, and may want to retain the ability to respect their employees' rights. Doctors are stakeholders, because they write prescriptions for birth control for a variety of reasons and should not have to worry about their patients having access to their prescribed medication. Finally, although it is controversial to acknowledge this point of view, if the pharmacists are correct and birth control bills work to prevent the implantation of fertilized eggs, the unborn babies are stakeholders.

             Section 4.

             According to Immanuel Kant, freedom is central to any discussion of ethics. That human beings are capable of exercising moral judgments means that freedom exists. Therefore, human beings can be guided by moral or ethical principles, but have the freedom to choose whether or not to act within those parameters. Furthermore, freedom means that human thought has an impact on human action; how a person chooses to think impacts how that person chooses to act.

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