The Resilience of Children

            One of the major reasons why children are in danger was the cause of poverty. Since poverty is a social problem, the public officials should help in facilitating the security and safety of these oppressed people. It is not just the children that should be taken into consideration but also the family of these kids. The condition of the children that came from poor family is more likely needs attention both in school and inside the house. They are most of the time discriminated and for this reason children tend to behave improperly and act rebellious. But there are some kids who are determined to work hard so that they can escape from poverty.

             People should know where the resilience of the children came from and with this they can be able to assess on how their community or school can build the relationship with them. Studies shown that those children who came from a not normal environment tend to be successful in life, this is because they have accepted the fact that their life will be miserable if they continue this kind of living. Their bad experiences in life serve them as an inspiration to struggle and work hard so as not to face that kind of problem in the future. People with this kind of attitude will succeed in life but them initially support should be given to them by the school officials and public officials especially when the families if this students cannot help them. .

             Not all kids are the same. There are some who simply do not help themselves but instead wait for other people to help them. And for this reason, it is hard for the teachers to handle them. There are several factors in which we can help children think on the positive attitude and help them know what they are want to be when they grow up. One of the factors that will help is using an open communication, this is where the child can converse his feelings especially if something is bothering him. They should help the student focus on studying and learn everything in school since this will determine what he wants in life.

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