Biography Getulio Vargas

            It was April 19, 1882 when a baby was born under the name of Getulio Dornelles Vargas in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. He was born in the countryside of Brazil where most of the workers there are cattle herder. Vargas came from an influential family because they are wealthy and had connections in different political parties. Getulio Dornelles Vargas entered the military service but then later on, he studied law. Vargas held a political position within the Borges de Medeiros machine in Rio Grande do Sul (Watkins, 2006). He served in the State Assembly and later as a congressman in the Brazilian Legislature in Rio de Janeiro (Watkins, 2006). Soon, he became the Finance Minister because he supported the political party of Washington Pereira. After serving as the Finance Minister he went back to his homeland and ran in politics in 1928, he won and became the governor. Elected governor of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, he constituted a strong movement of opposition against the central government, urging the end of the voting corruption through the adoption of the universal and secret ballot (Wikipedia, 2006).

             In 1930, Vargas became the bearer of the Liberal Alliance and he ran for president. During the past, the president's position was being manipulated by the party, there was an election but then there was no justice in choosing who will be the president. As stated by Watkins (2006) in his research:.

             "The Golden Rule of Brazilian politics required the presidency to alternate between São Paulo State and Minas State. Washington Pereira was from São Paulo so he should have selected someone from Minas as the presidential candidate. Instead he chose Julio Prestes from São Paulo. When the government declared its candidate, Julio Prestes, had won, the southern states of Brazil were enraged. When the vice-presidential candidate of the Aliança Liberal was assassinated the southern states rose up in rebellion and sent an army toward Rio de Janeiro to take control of the government.

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