The Learning Process of Kids

            Studying in school in necessary but the time spent in school is not enough especially when there are many subjects to be taken. This is the main reason why teachers assign homework to students. Homework will help an individual to practice or memorize what he had learned in school. Some homework are for the next lesson, and for this case, an individual can study in advance and be prepared for the discussion. Giving homework to a student is value because it teaches them to use different resources, be responsible in terms of meeting deadlines and most of all is they gain knowledge and find out the solution on their own. .

             Teachers should know that the students sometimes are lazy to do their homework. There are reasons why they do not want to their homework and because of this they usually fail to participate in the class. The teachers should make the homework experience meaningful such that the students should know why they are doing this assignment, a group activity will help and using the resources in school will help a lot. Parents can assist their kids in doing the homework but they should not be the one to do it. One example of helping the child do his homework is through discussing with him the homework and the parents can also cite some examples based on his or her experience. If the parents are helping their kids in assisting in homework, they will be eager to do it and will learn easily. Students who have personal problems should be attended, for parents who are working; it is hard to help the child in doing the assignments. But parents should know their responsibilities with their kids, they have at least check their kids homework; communicate with the kids even for an hour every night. .

             On-Line Link: "Tips for Parents".

             This website will help the parents know some tips on handling children with homework. There are times that parents are not aware on what is happening with the learning of their kids.

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