Rewards Provided by Teachers

            Teachers reap multiple intrinsic rewards from their profession. Teaching is not a career that offers high dollar compensation for the time and work that instructor put in. However teachers provides rewards other than financial than those dedicated to the profession. Among these rewards include the personal satisfaction of having collaborated with communities, educators, students and parents to achieve the lifelong learning goals of students. Nothing is more rewarding than realizing you have made a significant difference in the lives and well being of members of your community, particularly young students aspiring to fulfill their dreams. Teachers also make a tremendous impact on the lives of their students and their families, and perhaps have more influence than any other single member of a student life aside from their immediate family. It is vital therefore that strong role models assume the position of teacher, particular in the case of high need students. .

             There are more challenges than average when working closely with high need students. Someone working in this environment must feel prepared to overcome multiple obstacles and maintain a positive outlook despite increasing pressures or burdens to work in a complicated environment. I feel this environment however provides the most opportunity for achievement and personal success, particularly when someone is dedicated solely to working within the high need community. I feel my background is ideally suited to help this population in particular realize their dreams. My goal is to become a teacher that helps transform students into achievers. I have always been interested in helping students realize their full potential regardless of any obstacles they face. .

             There are even more rewards associated with working with high-needs students. High need students including those coming from poorer socio-economic conditions are often students who reap the most benefit from a one on one relationship with a dedicated teacher.

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