The Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph

             Kennedy was the first Catholic President of the United States, and although his term in office was only three years, he has become one of the most beloved Presidents in history. He inspired volunteerism among the youth of America with his Peace Corps program, and inspired patriotism among the population as a whole with his inaugural speech (Biography). Kennedy was a peacemaker, diverting war with the Soviet Union, and passing a new Civil Rights bill, as well as going on national television to ask Americans to end racism (Biography).

             Dr. Tom Dooley was a man of deep Catholic faith, who worked tirelessly as a physician and a humanitarian against Communism in Southeast Asia, particularly Laos, where he became known as Dr. America (Dr.). He founded an organization called MEDICO that eventually opened three hospitals in Asia under his supervision (Dr.). Although there are been disturbing discoveries made about his personal life, he nevertheless was a truly devout Catholic, and has been hailed as a great American, a humanitarian, and even a virtual saint, on par with Albert Schweitzer (Dr.). Perhaps because he showed such mercy towards the people of Asia, that he himself now receives mercy. .

             Elizabeth Ann Seton was born in 1774 in New York City, converted to Catholicism, and in 1975 became the first native-born North American to be canonized (Saint). During her life she founded the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph's, the first religious community for women in the United States, and started Saint Joseph's Academy and Free School, the first free Catholic School for girls (Saint). Her legacy includes six religious communities with more than 5,000 members, hundreds of schools, social service centers, and hospitals throughout America and around the world (Saint). As a tireless servant of God, "Blessed are the meek: for they shall posses the land" best describes Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (Eight).

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