Analysis on Early Design for Online Learning

In fact, in many cases, erroneous previous learning may have to be corrected before correct learning can take place (Frechette, 1999). Specifically, if a child has come to understand the color "blue" as any permutation of a color that contains blue (e.g., purple), he or she may be unable to make the solid connection between what is presented on a sterile computer screen and what is intended to be imparted; because each child is unique in this regard, any computer-based learning module for kindergarten students must incorporate a teacher-assisted element to ensure that the material is being understood and students are learning what is being delivered (Albers, Austin, Begoray, Carr, Goldberg, Kinzer, Labbo, Leu, Mckenna, Miller, Pailliotet & Richards, 2003). In this regard, these authors emphasize that it is vitally important to never assume that students have knowledge of these specific systems: "Just as you might learn about color through direct experiences (observing, reflecting, mixing colors), so do your students need direct experiences in specific semiotic systems before they can skillfully begin to represent meaning through the visual arts, dance, music, or drama" (Albers et al., 2003, p. 157). .

             Types of Learning Environments Conducive to Computer-Based Learning Modules. Noting the value of computers for providing young learners with different learning experiences, one kindergarten teacher helped develop a learning environment that was conducive to computer-based learning by keeping the topics being investigated prominently displayed throughout the classroom. For example, to ensure that her students were able to review computer-based lessons during other times, one kindergarten teacher, "Ms. Collins," posted the days of the week and months of the year; the primary colors; numbers; animals; family members; and environmental print such as a stop sign, fast-food restaurant logos, and exit and enter signs on bulletin boards around the classroom (Heller, 1999).

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