Human Performance Technology

The final evaluations are centered on improvement of business outcomes (such as quality, productivity, sales, and customer retention, profitability, and market share) as well as determining return on investment for the intervention.

             Components of the Human Performance Technology.

             1)Task performance standards.

             One of the most powerful steps a company can take is to establish measurable, observable criteria whereby a competent individual can determine if a specific, critical task has been done correctly and completely. If individuals have no formal, structured means to evaluate their own performance, supervisors will have no structured, formal means to evaluate an individual performance and provide useful feedback. .


             Training can only address skill deficiencies, that is, the "can't do" versus "won't do" behaviors. Nonetheless, training can have a dramatic impact by increasing productivity, decreasing unplanned downtime, reducing the learning curve, and reducing trial-and-error learning. .

             3)Tools and References.

             A deficiency that companies must often overcome is the lack of standard operating procedures (SOPs), job aids, and other visual tools that can be used to minimize or mitigate process variations introduced by people.

             4)Feedback and Inputs.

             The processes, systems, or methods whereby information is conveyed to job incumbents individually and as a group are integral to the total technology plan. Give the workforce early and frequent information. Give all ranks of employees plenty of advance information regarding the impending technological changes. Help them to understand - in clear and simple terms- project objectives. Educate them as to why these technological upgrades are necessary and how they present opportunities for changes in the way things are done. .

             Let workers know that concurrent with your commitment to technology upgrades is an equal commitment to employee development.

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