The Themes Regarding Sexuality and Women's Roles

            There are numerous themes and motifs present in Bram Stoker's "Dracula," such as sexuality, femininity, Christianity, superstition, and ancestral bloodline, to name but a few. However, perhaps one of the most obvious themes surrounds sexuality and femininity.

             Stoker's "Dracula" can be seen as a sort of Victorian male "Harlequin" novel, filled with adventure, intrigue, and damsels in distress. And much like the Harlequin type novels for women today, Stoker's novel has an underlying theme of dangerous sexuality, the forbidden fruit. Many of Stoker's passages actually read as erotica:.

             The girl went on her knees, and bent over me, .

             simply gloating. There was a deliberate .

             voluptuousness which was both thrilling and .

             repulsive, and as she arched her neck she actually .

             licked her lips like an animal, till I could see in the .

             moonlight the moisture shining on the scarlet lips .

             and on the red tongue. Lower and lower went her .

             head as the lips went below the range of my mouth .

             and chin and seemed to fasten on my throat. I could .

             feel the soft, shivering touch of the lips on the super .

             sensitive skin of my throat.I closed my eyes in .

             languorous ecstasy and waited, waited with beating .

             heart (Stoker Ch.3 pp).

             This is certainly every man's fantasy and probably has been since the days of Eden, to be seduced by three women. Stoker wittingly incorporates sexual images by placing a stamp of evil upon them. The vixens were not truly women in the sense of normal women. They were other-worldly, evil and dangerous, as well as enticing and irresistible. By Stoker's description, it is easy to assume that the female vampire is positioned for a sexual act, thus, showing a female sexual aggression that is unfamiliar, yet desirable, to Harker. Certainly such an act would be possible only in a house of ill-repute, or in a male fantasy, a man's imagination, much like a woman's fantasy of being rescued by a knight on a white horse.

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