A Tale of Political Optimism and Social Success

Also, gender equality is far from being a reality. I hoped to persuade readers to hold a more optimistic view of humanity and show that cooperation, multiculturalism, and gender equality are possible, even if it takes several thousand years to manifest.

             Fairy tales can create gender roles and social norms of behavior. For example, medieval fairy tales immensely influenced the concept of romantic love. In the same way, modern fairy tales can help recreate social and political realities of the future. Fairy tales, legends, and myths impart symbols that subtly but inevitably impact the formation of cultures and societies. Change the myths and we change the people.

             This story, "Nefertiti," deliberately avoids the romantic love themes of the more traditional fairy tales. We have enough romantic love in the fairy tales we grew up with, stories like Cinderella. Romance has its place but we also need tales that are not romantically based but which are also not all about war. I think it is refreshing to have a tale that does not focus on romance or war.

             "Nefertiti" is not a typical heroic tale because there really is no clear hero. In fact, everyone wins because the crew members of the Nefertiti work together with as little egotism as possible. Captain Reeftart shows a slight tendency toward abuse of power, but he is essentially good-natured and is prevented from having to lie because the perceived enemy turned out to be kind after all. Jane is not a hero either. Actually most of the characters are essentially passive; they have largely put their egos aside and live cooperative lives that are far different from our individualistic ones. Enjoy.

             Once upon a future time, in a land far, far, far away, a new spaceship set forth to create a revolutionary confederation of planets.

             "All officers take the bridge! Warp generator activate! All systems online?".


             "Alright! The Nefertiti's maiden voyage is underway!".

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