Mandated Uniforms in School

             The issue of whether mandated school uniforms is a good or a bad idea remains one that is hotly debated by K-12 educators, parents, and students alike. Based on a review of the literature, many good arguments in favor of school uniforms exist, such as the one below, by Kendrick (2002):.

             According to proponents of school uniforms, a wealth of potential benefits will .

             follow their adoption: socioeconomic equalization, reduction in student .

             violence and theft (related to clothing), increased attendance, restriction of .

             gang activity, better identification of school intruders, reduction of peer .

             pressure, improved ability to focus in class, and better grades.

             However, this article, in an effort to be balanced, also presents some opposing arguments, such as the fact that school uniforms arguably cut down on students' autonomy and freedom of expression, and the fact that there is no real empirical evidence that wearing a uniform really stops, or even diminishes, unruly student actions. .

             In "Do school uniforms fit" ( February 2000), however, White profiles one school district that has successfully adopted school uniforms, the Ridley School District in suburban Philadelphia. According to this article, "Ridley officials say the new policy is intended to foster a team learning environment and help teachers and administrators maintain order." Although, according to this article, parents, students, and teachers alike are content to have mandatory school uniforms within Ridley schools, the community of Fayette County, Georgia, has had a more negative response to the idea, and it was decided that the community did not wish for students to have to wear uniforms. The article also stated that there are good arguments on both side of the issue, "depending on who you ask." Several school superintendents and other school administrators interviewed for this article, though, stated that they thought that in their own districts, the effects of wearing mandatory uniforms were positive.

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