Virginia Woolf and Works as Mediums of Feminism

            Virginia Woolf was among the rare writers who have put their talents and ideologies into writings, particularly as a patron of equality to women. Considered as one of the founders of feminism, there were quite a number of literary works that show Woolf's passion for promoting feminism. Some of this includes the following literary masterpieces.

             To the Lighthouse.

             A Room on One's Own (1929).

             Three Guineas (1938).

             Women and Fiction (1929).

             Professions for Women (1929).

             Much of Woolf's literatures depicted her strict criticism on how the society put little importance to the female gender. Also, she showed in the context of her works how prominent the female gender can play important roles in the society, both socially and politically. Much of Woolf's works have in fact depicted political thoughts that have endeared the hearts and minds of many readers.

             The information written in the following pages of this paper will aim to explore how Virginia Woolf's works have influenced feminism. Included in the discussion are the ideologies and philosophies that she has embedded and conversed in many of her works. Moreover, this paper will aim to discover how the novels, essays, and articles of Virginia Woolf had furthered the feminist movement.

             Virginia Woolf and her Influences in Feminism.

             There are so many reasons why Virginia Woolf has made an influence to feminism and most of those reasons can be seen from her literary works themselves. Aside from the individual personality of Woolf as a supporter of the female gender, her influences can be derived from her intelligence in writing her feminist philosophies that have captured and appealed to the belief of the masses. In general, how Virginia Woolf has influenced feminism and the feminist movement is caused by the following factors.

             Virginia Woolf has great thoughts that regards to feminism and the feminism's important role in the society.

             Virginia Woolf, who has the talent in writing, has put her great thoughts into writings that were basically one way of instantly disseminating information if one would want himself or herself to be heard; and Woolf did it through the novels, articles, and essays that she had written.

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