Examination of A Piece of Sculpted Art

            This paper presents an examination of a piece of sculpted art. This particular example uses yard and feather to enhance the work and to add the bright colors that seem to bring the piece of artwork alive. .

             Anytime one tries to observe and describe a work of art it become a delicate balance of what is and what seems to be. When it comes to art sculptors it becomes even more complicated as the viewer or patron tries to ascertain exactly what elements the artist believed were important during the creation of the work in question. For this particular assignment it becomes important to remain objective and not slip into objectivity as the piece is described in detail. This can become difficult if one allows emotions to be drawn out by the bright vibrant colors and expression on the piece itself. .

             This piece is one of color and life. Artists throughout the years have aligned themselves with darkness or light. They create pieces of at that can be described as brooding or lively. In the case of this particular piece the word lively fits it perfectly. While it may not be the most exacting piece of work when it comes to mimicking a lifelike image or portrayal the colors that are used in it bring alive every emotion the patron may be experiencing at the time. .

             Using colorful yarn to bring it to life was an excellent choice of medium. The yarn not only provides color and variance but it also provides texture and exudes warmth and a feeling of being welcomes. .

             The red, blue, green and orange yarn intertwined the way it is on the total piece of art bring it together in a way that one can view it from across the room and feel drawn to come closer and examine it closely. .

             The artist decided to use a different medium for the head and chose orange feathers. .

             While the body brings out feelings of warmth through the use of primary colored yarn the head uses silky feathers that are orange only. This contrast provides a definitive separation between the head and the body.

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