Philosophy Behind the Leadership Position in a Learning Organization

Additionally, the major sources of fiscal and nonphysical resources for the school including business and community resources must be analyzed and identified (Anonymous author, 2001). The financial and material assets must be managed, as well as capital goods and services, allocating resources according to district or school priorities (Anonymous author, 2001). Policy development includes an efficient budget planning process that is driven by district and school priorities and involves the staff and community. .

             A strong leadership quality is the ability to identify and organize resources to achieve curricular and instructional goals (Anonymous author, 2001). Research indicates that the process of planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating a district budget must be analyzed, and techniques and organizational skills necessary to lead and manage a complex and diverse organization must be demonstrated (Anonymous author, 2001). Furthermore, policy development includes the planning and scheduling of one's own and others' work so that resources are used appropriately, and short- and long-term priorities and goals are met (Anonymous author, 2001). Policy development lies at the basis for a successful learning institution where the needs and goals of students, teachers and the community are met.

             Decision Making.

             Research indicates that the decision a leader in a learning organization makes has a strong influence on what will or will not occur in classrooms throughout the country. The leader must take a results oriented approach, and frame, analyze, and resolve problems using appropriate problem solving techniques and decision making skills (Anonymous author, 2001). In this way, good decisions can be made by viewing events and problems from multiple perspectives, and through the use of multiple sources of data to inform decisions. Additionally, decisions must be made based on the moral and ethical implications of policy options and political strategies (Anonymous author, 2001).

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