A Benefit for Students and Educators Alike

This study aligns with more modern studies that also suggest that uniforms help enhance equal opportunity and reduce undesirable traits among students (Bodine, 67). When each and every student is required to wear the same clothing day after day, students are less likely to pick on or single out students or individuals based on the type of clothing they are wearing. .

             Those arguing for uniforms claim that uniforms help promote simplicity, practicality and frugality" (Bodine, 67). More modern themes associated with discourse on school uniforms include subjects related to safety, school climate, shoplifting, peer pressure, family stress and truancy (Bodine, 67). There are several studies that suggest that students in a uniformed environment are more likely to perform well, less likely to drop out or skip class and more likely to engage in non-violent behaviors while in the school setting, benefits that enable students and educators alike (Boding, 67).

             Do uniforms help improve academic performance? A study published by the Journal of Educational Research as well as other studies suggest that uniforms are not correlated with academic achievement (Bodine, 67). However the primary studies examining this relationship related to the catholic sector or private schools rather than the population at large. There is adequate evidence that suggests that further studies will be needed to confirm or disprove this hypothesis. Pickles (2000) finds a positive correlation between academic performance and uniform wear, suggesting that students who wear uniforms are more likely to achieve better results on standardized tests after a period of one year or more. .

             "Clothing wars" as they are sometimes referred to typically "reach crisis proportions in the middle and high school years" (Field, Foster, Hoge & Nickell, 284). Students commonly fight over the types or brands of clothing that others wear.

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