The Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

             The necessity for the furtherance of vigorous, hale and hearty lifestyles among the children and youth is immense. More and more children and youth are subjected to ample social evils and actions that expose their health and lifestyles at peril. This is substantiated by mounting reports of low self-esteem, insufficient nutrition, family troubles, strain, increased drop-out rates, aggression among youths, sexual activity from a young age, rise in smoking habits, reduced physical work, growing incidence of portliness and rise in health risks caused due to more and more desk work among the youth of our nation. The personal development, health and physical education or PD/H/PE is very important to every feature of the standard growth and development of children and youth- not just bodily but social and emotional development also. (A Global Vision for School Physical Education, 1995).

             Better education, enhanced attentiveness, refined self-control and poise as also promotion of healthy, encouraging and lasting attitudes towards personal development, health and Physical education are well preserved advantages of excellent personal development and physical education in educational institutions. Moreover, personal development, health and Physical education begins the foundation of expertise of skills for involvement throughout the life while concurrently developing an automatic shielding effect against a lot of ailments due to lifestyle associated habits like desk work. With families and social institutions undergoing a revolutionary change, a lot of people more and more turn to educational institutions for an answer. The school is the organization possessing the capability to definitely influence mindsets and behaviors of every child and addresses youngsters as a cohesive group irrespective of sex, age, potential, racial or socio-economic position. (A Global Vision for School Physical Education, 1995) In this paper, we shall deal with a literature review to understand the teacher's perceptions towards the value of personal development, health and Physical education.

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