Both Sides of the Cloning Debate

The technique used to create Dolly is known as nuclear transplantation cloning (13) of which there are five steps: .

             (i) acquiring acceptable donor and recipient eggs; .

             (ii) nuclear transfer; .

             (iii) cellular fusion; .

             (iv) activation; and .

             (v) implantation (Keough, 2003). .

             Recently, politicians have been lining up on both sides of the cloning debate. Those who are advocating for it believe it will advance medical science in a positive manner, while those who are against it believe just the opposite(Abrams, 2005). Cloning has received a lot of attention, including the recent birth of a sheep that was cloned as a scientific experiment that garnered worldwide attention. .

             Politicians who are against cloning are using other nations as reasons to stop its process. "Therapeutic cloning is the purposeful creation for purposeful destruction of human life," said Weldon, whose bill has 115 co-sponsors. "This is abhorrent science, and the U.N., France and Germany agree with my position and it is time America do the same(Abrams, 2005).".

             Cloning is something that has garnered world wide attention. Different nations are racing to both be the first to be able to clone humans as well as be the first to ban its ability. It is much like the creation of nuclear weapons as once it has been done there will be no going back. .

             Once nuclear weapons were invented the only thing the world could do was race against itself to get better and more destructive weapons than other nations were getting. .

             Cloning is going to work much the same way . Once it is completed there will be no way to undo it. Companies that develop the ability to clone will be competing to sell it on the open market. The competition will become fierce and there will be a market for black market cloning to occur. .

             Cloning does have the potential to benefit mankind but the potential for harm is much greater, therefore it must be blocked before it is allowed to become legal.

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