Original Forms of Music and Dance

            Archaeological finds show that prehistoric man had already played music. Music and dance are the humans' most natural and original forms of expression. Berendt said of modern generations: "Nada brahma - all is sound," in nature. Stones, bones, pieces of wood, hollow vessels and cups make sounds when pushed, beaten or rubbed together. Stretched hides bang, the buzz of the arrow whizzing off the bow can be imitated with fingers and the murmuring, roaring and whistling of the wind can be caught in reeds, bone pipes or hollow branches.

             Today, numerous types of different forms of music are played across the world. Because humans are so diverse, it comes as no surprise that people like different types of music. For example, there are many adults, many of them older, who do not particularly appreciate hip hop and rap. Part of this has to do with the slang language, which can be quite crude at times (Christenson). Also, the style has much more to do with beat than with actual musical tone. However, new styles of music have always caused problems with the older generation. There were many adults, especially in religious groups, who wanted Rock and Roll to be banned, because it was a bad influence on kids.

             Ogbar and Prashad in "Black is back" discuss both the pros and cons of hip hop. The authors say that similar to CNN, the music is "offering live updates of the trials, tribulations and peculiarities of neighborhoods and cities, from Lagos to Frankfurt." In the heart of advanced industrial countries, hip-hop serves as a liberation anthem for those oppressed by racism and poverty. On the other hand, however, hip hop is "just one of many commercial products or props used for youth rebellion against the established orders of parents." The music, dress and attitude are used to visibly divide one generation from another. Unfortunately, hip-hop's art of rebellion does not only lead to anti-racist and anti-capitalist rebellion, but it often falls victim to the pitfalls of systemic oppression against which it attempts to rebel.

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