Factors in Evaluating Child Abuse

            There are many factors that must be considered when evaluating a possible abuse situation. The first thing that must be done is that all parties involved must be committed to taking the situation seriously, but also committed to acting without prejudice. Instances of abuse should neither be ignored nor falsely identified. "Because childhood molestation has been hidden for decades, our quick suspicions are well founded. But there can be backlash: innocent acts by parents are often falsely misconstrued as sexual abuse." (Heller) When approached by the teachers, I would ensure her that coming to speak to me was a good action to take. .

             In this situation, the family in question is not culturally American. It must be considered, first, that there are many cultural differences between a Chinese family and an American family. Communication and social interaction is definitely affected by this cultural difference. For example, this child is very quiet and withdrawn. In China, children are taught to be very quiet and respectful, and in comparison to the wild American children in the class, this might appear to be abnormal behavior in that setting. However, the child might be acting in a perfectly normal way for his culture. Second, the concerns about the step-father's physical affection with the child must also be taken within social context. The level of physical contact that is socially acceptable between parents and children in America is vastly different from many Asian cultures. For example, studies have also shown that family baths shared by the parents and children can be a very positive experience, and is in fact a norm in some Asian countries. "Nudity, openness, and affection within the family can teach children and adults that the body is not shameful and inferior, but rather is a source of beauty and sensuality through which we emotionally relate to one another. Physical affection involving touching, holding, and caressing should not be equated with sexual stimulation, which is a special type of physical affection.

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