An Overview of the Works of John Pierpont Morgan


             John Pierpont Morgan was born in Hartford, Connecticut on April 17, 1837. The son of a rich commodity broker, Morgan was exposed to the world of finance and business from an early age (1000 Management Giants, 1999). Interestingly, call it sheer coincidence or the hand of destiny, the day of Morgan"s birth saw all the banks in New York suspending specie (currency) payment, with banks in Hartford following suit the next day. Thus, as Flynn (p. 462) points out, the future money king came into the world amid the din of crashing banks. .

             Environmental influences may have played a role in instilling in the young Morgan an early interest in business. However, it appears that Morgan also had a natural interest in and gift for figures. For, even as a child, he is reputed to have kept a meticulous account detailing the receipt and expenditure of his allowance (1000 Management Giants, 1999). Further, this early interest was no fluke since he repeatedly proved his prowess with figures in both school and college. So much so, that his high school teacher is reported to have called him a prodigy after witnessing Morgan"s ability to mentally solve problems in cubic root and decimals. But perhaps the greater compliment to Morgan"s mathematical ability came when the University of Gottingen offered the graduate student Morgan, a professor"s chair in mathematics (Flynn, p. 454, 464). Fortunately for the business world, and unfortunately for the mathematical one, Morgan refused.

             Morgan entered the business of finance in 1857 as an accountant in the New York based Duncan, Sherman and Company. Morgan"s first job, as well as the work he did with his father"s international firm, gave him a unique perspective on specie standardization necessity for credit and commerce ( It is also interesting to note that Morgan began his career in a year of panic, just as he began his life amidst the din of crashing banks.

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