Different Stages of Available Health Care for Disabled People

             The issue of health care has been a hot topic of debate in this country for many years. Health care costs are skyrocketing, available services are dwindling and the public is screaming with outrage and demand for improvements to the entire health care system. While those who can speak for themselves are having no trouble voicing their upset about the current state of the nation"s health care system, there is a population that cannot always speak up. The disabled in this country are also in need of health care. The disabled have entirely different needs from the non disabled population in addition to the regular and normal needs that are encountered by both the disabled and the non disabled. The disabled are often on government health care programs which are constantly being scrutinized, criticized and cut back due to budget constraints. This is often met with outrage by the advocates of the disabled as the disabled often need MORE health care options than the non disabled, yet they are often given less than what they need. .

             There are several issues when it comes to the health care options for the disabled. Whether the disabled patient is a child, teen, adult or senior citizen there are things that must be considered in order to provide them with the best possible care. Experts agree that including the disabled person in the decisions about their health care is a positive and productive step to providing that patient with the best possible care(Bricher, 2000). .

             Whether it is hospital care, home care or outpatient care, the disabled patient has to maintain health care that will allow him or her to continue to lead a productive life within the limits of their disability. .

             Whether discussing the best way to get the patient to the health care facility or whether or not to have Hospice come in to the home, it is important to understand the health care options that are available to the disabled population at all stages of life.

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