Comparing Myself in Past and Present

            Five years is not very long in human history. However, in my own, personal history, five years has been enough to transform me very profoundly. Five years is longer than the average person goes to high school, or college. In five years an infant can evolve into a kindergartner. And, in my case, over the past five years, I have become different person in the three essential components of every human being-in my body, mind, and soul.

             In my body, I am not simply more mature than I was five years ago. Of course I am bigger and stronger. But I am also much less apt to stare at my body in mirrors, searching for what is wrong with how I look. I feel secure in my appearance. I am less apt to try out different kinds of clothing and attitudes than I was five years ago. I know who I am better than I did five years ago, and this is reflected in my more confident expression, posture, and selection of my wardrobe.

             In my mind, I have gained more knowledge. I have developed a stronger intellect means and now have a better perspective on my place in history. Five years ago was before September 11th and the attacks on the World Trade Center. Five years ago I did not read the paper regularly. Five years ago, I thought my school was the world, and my own personal life was all that mattered.

             These changes in my physical confidence and my mental sense of my place in the world have affected my spirit. I am a more spiritual person than I was five years ago. I am less selfish because I have had to assume more personal and family responsibilities, and I know that my needs are not the only needs that matter in the world. Five years ago, I lived only for the moment and I only thought about what I was going to do the next day, or the next hour. Now I live for the future.

             The world has changed over the past five years, and I have changed. I like the person I have become. I hope the next five years bring equally positive changes within my character-and that the world is a better place, too, in five years.

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