How to Asses Mental Illness

            The ability for patients to access mental health services these days are more wide ranging than ever before. This is in part due to the fact that the realm of mental health, once simply governed by physicians, is now peopled by staff of all different types and disciplines. In addition, many mental health professionals are now multiply credentialed, so it is not impossible to see a mental health professional who is all at once a family and marital therapist, a chemical dependency practitioner and a social worker. All these elements only serve to improve the ability of patients/clients to receive quality mental health services, whether it be in a large institutional setting, a community mental health center or in a private clinical office.

             But what are the different types of mental health professionals who are trained in the identification and treatment of patients with mental health issues? There are many, but for the matter of clarity and brevity, we will focus on just three.

             Licensed clinical social workers are one type of mental health professional who may be assigned a clinical case. These are individuals who have received graduate level training in the assessment and management of patients with mental illness. They may choose to specialize in a certain type of therapy, such as marital or family therapy or they may provide a more general practice. Clinical social workers are also found in the hospital setting, whether for psychiatric patients or medical patients and are experts in arranging for social services and referral to assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and other post hospitalization care.

             Advanced registry nurse practitioners are one of the newer types of clinicians in the mental health field. These are nurses who have taken graduate level education which allows them to perform diagnosis and treatment for patients. Many nurse practitioners (also called ARNPs) can prescribe medications for their patients, depending on the laws of the states where they live.

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