Criminals and Other Foreign Menaces

             The September 11 attacks have changed the ways Americans view the security and violence situation within their territory. Dramatic changes have been made in connection with security in the ports (land, sea and air); immigration laws; buying residency and citizenship, as well as visas. However, many experts assert that the security situation has worsened from where it had been before 9/11. Instead of reducing bureaucratic procedures and the loopholes associated with it and increasing the efficiency of the present workforce through accountability and checks and balances, the government has done exactly the opposite. This research paper is primarily focused on terrorism, and how we continue to allow it to happen to us. How the September 11 terrorists exploited U.S. immigration laws. How government officials sell residency & citizenship papers. How people from other countries are rushed through airport without proper screening because of corporate pressure. The paper also includes examples of how the United States actually has a history of training and educating the very people who end up terrorizing America.

             Review of Related Literature.

             Flaws in the Immigration system.

             "The commission investigating the 9/11 attacks has concluded that immigration policies promoted as essential to keeping the country safe from future attacks have been largely ineffective, producing little, if any, information leading to the identification or apprehension of terrorists (Michael Janofsky, 2004).".

             The above quote is sufficient evidence to prove that serious loopholes exist in the immigration system. Due to lack of communication and lack of will the people in charge for immigration and issuing temporary visas, the threat of foreign terrorist stepping foot on American has become an imminent reality. Steven Camarota (2002) writes, "The current immigration system has many points of weakness. It does not vigorously interview or carefully check the backgrounds of visa applicants.

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