Online Lawn Care Company

            The company is called, Complete Lawn Care.

             This name was chosen for several reasons. The first reason it was chosen was because it indicates to the public what it is the company does. It will provide complete lawn care products to its customers that can be shipped once they have been ordered online. .

             A second reason it was chosen is because the word Complete falls at the beginning of the name and that places it at the front of alphabetized things such as phone book, Internet searches etc. .

             The name Complete Lawn Care Products indicates the customer does not need to go elsewhere for the products. This is key to the marketing objectives of the company and will be important when it comes to attracting new customers. .

             Mission statement.

             The mission of Complete Lawn Care Products is to provide solid products at competitive prices. The company will work to reach customers world wide and introduce them to the products of the company. The company will work to provide premium products at the lowest prices possible while at the same time focusing on customer service and providing it 24 hours a day. In addition to the products for sale the company will provide free lawn care advice by staffing phone lines 24 hours a day with experts in lawn care that have been trained by the company. .

             The mission of this company is to provide the best possible product at the most affordable prices. Customer service will be of the best quality. This can all be accomplished by setting up the most solid vendors possible. Once the company locates solid vendors the company will handle them professionally and with as much respect as possible so that they continue to service our customers with the best service possible. .

             The mission of this company is to provide the best online lawn care product service and product to the customer possible. The mission will change to include lawn care companies as target customers as the company grows and expands and becomes able to handle worldwide bulk sales and shipping.

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