Behind Traditions and Rituals in "The Lottery"

" (Jackson) The description of the setting, used in combination with the foreshadowing of the Lottery, is particularly effective because of the paradoxical images. "The story eerily contrasts the modern, typical details of the villager's lives -- Mrs. Hutchinson is washing dishes before coming to the ritual, and the Lottery head is described as wearing blue jeans -- with the barbarity of the lottery ritual." (Wikipedia).

             One of the major themes of Jackson"s story is that traditions are followed blindly, even long after the reason for the tradition has been forgotten, and this is shown though many symbols in the story. The original "paraphernalia: of the Lottery was lost a long time ago, and the wooden box used currently is only rumored to actually have pieces of the original box within it. In fact, every year there is talk about replacing even this box with a new one. Wooden chips were once used for pulling names from the box, but now slips of paper are used instead because it is not feasible to fit as many chips in the box as there now are residents in the village. This is symbolic of how the tradition, which was intended for a completely different circumstance, is no longer relevant to their population but they keep doing it anyway. The people also vaguely recall there being a song or chant performed, and a ritualistic salute exchanged, during the drawing, but again we see that "years and years ago this part of the ritual had been allowed to lapse." (Jackson) Mrs. Hutchinson, who winds up being the sacrifice for the year, remarks that she had forgotten what day it was when she shows up to the drawing late. .


             Another major theme of Jackson"s story is scapegoating and fear of change in society. Each villager feels that he or she will not be chosen, but that this burden will fall on someone else who, in a sense, deserves it. "The villagers believe unconsciously that their commitment to a work ethic will grant them some magical immunity from selection.

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