U.S. Articles Concerning Attacks in Iraq

             The top story for May 1 2005 in the New York Times concerning Iraq was titled, "Iraq Insurgents Continue Wave of Attacks." The Chicago Tribune had no top stories on Iraq for this date and the Washington Post"s only story on Iraq concerned Iraq"s power grid problem. The LA Times" top story is titled "Iraq to Purge Corrupt Officers." Therefore the two domestic stories concerning Iraq come from the New York Times and the LA Times. The two foreign stories discussed were links found on the Iraq Daily web site. One is from The Independent Bangladesh and the other is from Dawn, a Pakistan English newspaper. .

             The New York Times article is an Associated Press report concerning the Sunday attacks in Iraq. It reports that insurgents" attacks are continuing for the third straight day and have included ambushes, car bombs, and drive-by shooting, bringing the death toll since Friday to "at least 79," including six American soldiers (Iraq pp). The article suggests that the recent attacks of violence are well coordinated and that the timing points to a deliberate attempt to .

             deflate the hopes in "Washington and Baghdad that the installation of the Iraq"s first democratically elected government would curb the uprising" (Iraq pp). The article continues with descriptive accounts of the recent attacks. In the Zafaraniyah neighborhood of Baghdad, a car bomb exploded, killing four Iraqi civilians and wounding twelve, while in another part of Baghdad, "insurgents in three parked cars opened fire with hand guns on a police patrol in the western Jihad neighborhood, wounding four policemen" (Iraq pp). A suicide car bomber attacked near a water pump station in southeastern Baghdad, and South of Baghdad, a roadside bomb exploded, wounding four civilians (Iraq pp). Iraqi and U.S. officials had hoped that by including members of the Sunni Arab minority in the new Shiite-dominated Cabinet, the violence would subside the violence, however, approval of the Cabinet Thursday has been followed by an onslaught of bombings (Iraq pp).

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