Significance of Meech Lake Accords

             We agreed to recognize the distinctiveness Quebec brings to Canada, which includes within it two principal language communities within the Federation. .

             We agreed to give constitutional protection to an expanded immigration agreement with Quebec and to enter into accords with other provinces, appropriate to their circumstances. .

             We agreed to entrench the Supreme Court of Canada and the requirement that at least three of the nine Justices appointed be from Quebec, and to provide for provincial involvement in Supreme Court appointments. .

             We agreed that reasonable compensation be granted to provinces that do not participate in future national shared-cost programs in areas of exclusive provincial jurisdiction, if they undertake their own initiatives or programs compatible with national objectives. .

             We agreed that all provinces must approve changes to national institutions under section 42 of the 1982 Constitution Act, and that the Government of Canada will provide reasonable compensation in all cases where a province opts out of an amendment transferring provincial jurisdiction to Parliament. .

             We agreed that there will be annual First Ministers' Conferences on the Constitution and that the first will be held before the end of 1988 to discuss senate reform, the fisheries and other items to be agreed upon. .

             Until Senate reform is achieved, appointments to the Senate will be made by the Federal Government from lists of candidates furnished by the provinces. .

             We are also entrenching in the Constitution the annual First Ministers' Conference on the economy.2.

             Because these were amendments to the existing constitution, they required ratification by all of the ten provinces and the federal government within a three year period. Mulroney was enthusiastic in his support of these accords saying, "Mr. Speaker, the Meech Lake Agreement is good for Canada, and good for Canadians. It will unblock the Constitutional reform process and enable Canadians to turn their attention to other issues.

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