Global Warming Affects the American Economy

            The Greenhouse Effect is alarmingly worsening today at an uncontrollable rate. People may not know that this occurrence in our atmosphere is continuously causing negative results not only to our environment and health but to our economy as well. Therefore, it is important that we identify how global warming is affecting the American Economy.

             Among the negative consequences of global warming that obviously affects the U.S. economy are the increasing frequency and severity of droughts, heat waves, wildfires, crop failures and floods (Geller, 2004). Following to these effects are the succeeding consequences of increasing energy costs and surging prices of prime commodities. Additionally, another effect of global warming is the rising sea level that can result to floods. When floods occur, such as in Florida and Atlantic Coast, some economic activities can be hampered including housing developments, farming, and agricultural production. Also, flooding can cause migration of people as well as the useful insects and animals that are helpful to farming. According to Wisconsin Natural Resources Online,.

             Anything that affects farming affects the state economy. Some researchers predict that under the influences of climate change, southern Wisconsin farms might begin to resemble those in present-day Kansas.


             The people"s health, being affected by global warming has similar succeeding bad consequences on the economy of the U.S., in the sense that an unhealthy population can make an unproductive nation. According to Professor McCarthy (2004), as indicated by Arar Han, suggests the health and economic effects of global warming writing that,.

             He started by outlining the systemic shifts in climate that have altered weather patterns and intensified disease spread. Climate change, human contributions, biosystemic effects, and extreme weather, he said, are contributing to worrisome findings.

             It is important to note that it is not only in the U.

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