The Physicians Full Disclosure Law

             That is why we at Common Cause fully support the new measure to force physicians to disclose their malpractice settlements: Especially with the new move to for-profit medicine where doctors would be more incentivized to withhold such information from patients, it is critical that we as Americans are bestowed a right to gather the information ourselves.

             The President of Human Corp.

             The rise of for-profit medicine – though much vilified – will actually wax the savior of the beleaguered American health care system. The problem now is that no one in the health care system – doctors, nurses, administrators, executives, janitors, no one at all – has any incentive to do a stellar job.

             Without a profit motive, humans have very little motivation to excel. They will do just what they need to to get by.

             Capitalism"s defeat of Communism proves that the profit motive is truly what drives the economy. And indeed, the profit motive is allowed to range free in most every other industry in America, why not in the health care sector?.

             And by all means, the health care sector is suffering mightily in America. With the highest percentage of uninsured and undercovered residents anywhere in the Western world, America has a huge problem. (Clough, 1996) Is it that unlikely that the fact that medicine is not treated in a for-profit manner is the root cause of the inefficiencies that abound in the system today?.

             Our position is a most-resounding no. America"s health problems – the overcrowding of hospitals, lackadaisical doctor and nurse care, high medical malpractice especially in OB/GYN and the high percentage of the underinsured working class – are caused by the lack of a profit motive in the industry.

             However, this for-profit status, though essential, cannot come at any cost. For instance, the Physician Disclosure laws are wrong. The American Medical Association more than adequately certifies and controls doctors in America.

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