Knowledge About Salvation

             What salvation means to me is knowledge that I am saved, protected, and walking the right path, the path of the Lord, internally and externally. My own salvation is deeply comforting, meaningful, and personal, although I also try to project my sense of personal salvation outward, toward others around me and the world overall. In this essay, I will explain what salvation means to me, both internally and externally.

             Internally, salvation means to me to have faith in a higher power that guides me along the right path. My own internal salvation lies in my walking a path that I know to be right, within my own conscience and in my relationships with others. To me, that means treating others with dignity and respect, and acknowledging them, as I do myself, as part of the Almighty"s plan. My sense of internal salvation is what gives me ultimate faith in God"s plan. My salvation offers me internal harmony, a buffer against discouraging or distracting outside forces.

             Externally, salvation means to me living in harmony with and respecting the lives and rights of all of God"s creatures, based on my own inner faith. Walking with the Lord means focusing on the right thoughts, the most positive emotions, and the best values within myself, no matter what happens outside me. In a sense, my view of internal and external salvation is combined: I find that my feelings of internal salvation often manifest externally as well. .

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