The Internet: An Aid for Educators

             "Lesson Planning Center." Education World: An Educator"s Best Friend.

             The first noticeable thing about this website is that it is overloaded with animated ads for other websites and products, which is quite unprofessional for a site aimed at professionals and for an academic purpose. In fact, the layout makes the website seem like a scam. However, a deeper inspection reveals that there is in fact a great deal of useful and valid content on this website. The search function on many websites is far from ideal, often returning results that are irrelevant or being broken all together. The Google search engine provides an in-site search function that can be added to websites, and the majority of well-working search engines on websites use this service, so when the in-site search engine was not a Google search, I was skeptical. However, it turned out to be a rather useful search. It had many options for an advanced search, including keywords, type, catalog, resource type, school, dates, and several other specifications. The search results were relevant and plentiful, with a decent amount of descriptive information for each search result. The search results were not quite as accurate when multiple search terms were used, but nonetheless it remained functional enough. In addition to the search engine, there was a well organized navigational system on every page. A side bar had the major sections of the website, Administrators, The Arts, Foreign Languages, History, and so forth, well mapped out for easy access. All of the lesson plans on this site are actually hosted by this website; this site does not simply provide links to lesson plans on other websites. This content actually belongs to the site. While teachers and administrators can subscribe to newsletters through Education World, a subscription is not necessary in order to access any of the information on the site.

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