The Scale of Gender Discrimination Around The World

Ethnic, cultural, and religious prejudice has created abundant sufferers; however, women, in the nursing profession, have experienced even more suffering than people in these minority congregations, as nursing has been the oldest profession adopted by women throughout the world.

             While the "civil rights law" protects the rights of all women in America against gender bias, majority of the women, particularly those belonging to the nursing profession, consistently complain about the lack of appreciation and the increasing level of disapproval from the society member because of their sexual identity. This lack of appreciation and increasing disapproval has taken many shapes and forms, for example, inferior salary, obstacles in career-advancement, threats, prejudiced work-related assignments, as well as, sexual persecution. These various forms of discrimination against women in the nursing profession have made them realize that the protection under the "civil rights law" is nothing more than fiction and fabrication of reality on ground (David N. Laband, 1995). .

             This paper studies the issue of gender bias; firstly, by revealing the bigotry in the clinical research studies that have been conducted on the subject of gender bias in nursing so that one can expose the rogue elements that have been attempting to undermine the role of women in this profession; Secondly, from a historical perspective to evaluate the root causes of gender bias in nursing and subsequently to understand the powerful relationships that are defining the role of women in nursing so that effective measures can be taken to curtail the damaged image of female nurses and end gender bias against them. .

             Review of Literature.

             Research Studies on "Gender Bias".

             Throughout human history, men have usually reported and recorded historic events, accounted theories, researches and clinical studies, which have had a direct influence on men.

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