"Dependent Personality Disorder"

            The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze a personality disorder affecting many people. Specifically it will discuss "Dependent Personality Disorder," including the affects, how people get it, any cure for the disorder, etc. Dependent personality disorder (DPD) affects many people, and is a fairly common personality disorder. A research study of this disorder shows that it is one of several personality disorders that are recognized as part of the study of abnormal psychology. Some personality disorders are not as persistent as others, and it is not unusual for patients to exhibit symptoms of more than one personality disorder. The particular disorder can be quite debilitating to both the sufferer and those close to them, and often those who suffer from the disorder do not seek treatment for their problem.

             How do You Recognize Personality Disorders?.

             Personality disorders have several common characteristics that show up, which makes them easier to diagnose and treat. There are common threads in almost all personality disorders, and they can include "enduring pattern[s] of behavior and experience that deviate markedly from cultural expectations and which lead to significant personal distress or significant impairment in social functioning" (Carr, 2001, p. 137). Therefore, people with personality disorders are "different" than people who do not have these disorders, and people with personality disorders often have trouble functioning or living in normal society. Their disorders cause them distress, but they also set them apart from people who function more normally, and these differences can sometimes even add to their lack of emotional and personality distress. People with personality disorders often show obvious trouble with a variety of items, including their behavior, their cognition, the way they control their impulses, and how they interact with other people.

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