Prescription Medication

The wording of the commercial was something along the lines of, "You know allegra, but you"ve never seen Allegra like this. Allegra D. It lasts 24 hours. Ask your doctor now. You NEED to know about it. Allegra D." (Allegra) It was a very short commercial with minimal information or fanfare. The message is that Allegra-D is new and exciting, and that it will improve your quality of life.somehow. The target audience for this commercial is apparently people who already know what Allegra is, because this commercial makes the assumption that the listener knows and respects Allegra already.

             The first thing that was good about this commercial is that it did not make any attempts to be cute, humorous, dramatic, or otherwise entertaining, because the majority of commercials that make attempts to serve as entertainment rather than informative fail in doing both. Pretend dialogues between characters that are intent on convincing a friend or loved one to use a prescription medication because of their positive experience with it are usually poorly executed, poorly written, and use really bad actors. When the dinner conversation in a commercial revolves around the miraculous new birth control pill and each friend at the table takes turns listing reasons to use the medication, potential side effects, and questions you should ask your doctor, it is not only unrealistic, but it is offensive that the marketing team for that prescription assumes that the viewing public will not recognize sheet stupidity. The other thing that was good about this commercial was the fact that it was very short. This commercial did not waste time.

             However, this commercial had a lot of failings as well. First, I did not like the assumptions that the commercial made. "You know Allegra." It makes the listener feel as if he or she should have a personal relationship with this pill, or else it means that listener is out of the loop.

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