Conducting Research

05 level of probability, on measurable communication to pre-identified types of targeted persons as a result of an adolescent being identified as being a juvenile delinquent. Having developed and stated both the primary research question and null hypothesis the research investigator has set the stage not only as to type of research design to be implemented but also the investigative variables under consideration and the general genre of the statistical process to be used to analyze the measurement data. Without both research question and testable hypothesis the research would simply result in an ad hoc accumulation of data without purpose, direction, or inference.

             The second step in the research investigation cycle is that of being able to grasp the relationship that exists between a research problem, design, and methodology. Herein lies the task of the research investigator to think relationally, structurally, and architectonically. When a research question purports to seek differences, relationships, and or effects on, between, or amongst events, things, occurrences, people, conditions, or situations the research investigator must be extremely cognizant of what the study hopes to show. To this end the research investigator must be knowledgeable with respect to what type of statistical data analysis process will evidence relationship question, effects question, and differences questions. Choosing the most appropriate statistical data analysis technique is the third phase of the research cycle.

             Choosing a statistical technique to analyze measurement data is not a difficult task as each statistical formula is specifically designed to bring about the desired results based on the research question and testable null hypothesis. However, when used wrongly the research investigator will likely misguide the misguided and very likely accept research results that are in err and fail to advance scientific knowledge.

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