Animal Rights Movement in America

This show features real-life APSCA Animal Control officers in several cities around the country responding to a variety of animal neglect, abuse, and rescue cases. The show has brought national attention to the plight of many of America's animals, and made them much more aware of all the ASPCA's many activities and community involvement.

             The ASPCA also offers a wide variety of information on animal abuse and neglect, animal health, and even poison control for animals at their Web site. Visitors can also join the national organization, donate funds, and renew their memberships online. ASPCA spokespeople say that since they began offering these services online, both membership and donations have increased dramatically. Target marketing is one tactic they have used successfully to bring visitors to their site, as Target Marketing writer Lisa Yorgey Lester notes, "To date, the organization has 360,000 registered users, who represent donors, advocates, animal professionals and people who like hearing from the organization, but haven't chosen to support it financially or legislatively" (Lester). The organization has also learned that creating a visually appealing and emotional Web site has helped increase adoptions and membership. Lester continues, "As the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has learned, the interactive nature of the Internet allows fundraisers to personalize visual appeals that tug on the emotions and purse strings of Web site visitors" (Lester). Thus, they can reach more people, and more people means more adoptions, more contributions, and more animal welfare around the country.

             There is a wide variety of information available about pet health care and pet abuse on the site, and one of the organization's major concerns in 2005 is the prevention of pet poisoning. They have even set up a separate Web site with emergency information on poisoning, such as how to recognize the symptoms, poison-proof your home, and what to do if you suspect your animal has ingested poison.

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