Then he.
forced the boy to dig his own grave, burying him alive with only a stove.
pipe to breath through. Then the father urinated into the pipe onto the.
boy's face. With that kind of abuse, you either go crazy, die, or.
develop other personalities. That is why, in many people with MPD, there.
are agitated and distracted child personalities. These personalities.
were created in order to suffer the pain of abuse. When the abuse was.
over, their call was no longer needed and the primary personality could.
resume control, dropping with that second personality all memory of the.
event and continuing as if nothing happened. This type of personality.
exists in almost all MPD sufferers. Another common personality is the.
Persecutor personality. This personality is created to absorb the rage.
the person feels towards his abusers. It often lashes out, either at.
other people or at the other personalities, because it believes some of.
the punishment was their fault. To punish that personality it will often.
harm the body of the person, not realizing it is hurting itself in the.
process. A final common personality is the Protector personality. It is.
created to give a feeling of protection to the child personalities and.
to try to prevent the Persecutor from lashing out at others or itself.
These are obviously not all the personalities, found, but they are the.
most common. Due to all these conflicting interests the personalities.
often argue with each other. This is why the person often hears voices.
"inside his head" whereas the schizophrenic hears them from outside in.
the world. Many people dispute the existence of multiple personalities.
They argue that such an idea is impossible and that the people are.
simply making it up. However, I believe the opposite, and many people.
share my opinion due to one study. Around 10 years ago a Dr. Putnam.
conducted an experiment, whereby he hooked several MPD sufferers up to a.
machine that measures brain waves.
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