Unfortunately, statistics showed that the .
French Language was still in a big minority and that means independence .
is the best and only way to bring it back alive and to conserve it. These reasons show how sovereignty would be good for Quebec and how it is the .
only way they could keep their culture. Here is another fact; according .
to some recent studies, it is expected that by the year 2010 Quebec becomes .
an English Speaking province (D. Drache and R. Perin p.129) (that is mostly .
due to the fact that there are many American companies investing in Quebec .
and also the media that influences the English Language). If Quebec was a .
French Speaking country and not a bilingual province like it now, these investors would make sure to respect the French language and would only .
place French adds and express themselves in French. Same thing would go .
for the English media and TV shows. .
Finally, the reason why a sovereign Quebec would be helpful for the French .
speaking province is that it would be able to survive economically. What .
frustrates the Quebec government the most is the fact that the amount of .
money distributed to the Quebec government by Ottawa is inferior to the proportion of taxes which they pay (A. Bernard p. 162). In other words, .
Quebec pays more taxes then other provinces and doesn't receive back as .
much as they should. The only years when Ottawa gave a fair proportion .
of money to Quebec was because of the economical crisis which Quebec .
was going throw and desperately needed economical support. Another .
fact is that Quebec receives only about 15 % of federal expenses .
although it regroups 25% of Canada's population ( A. Bernardp.163 ). .
These are the facts that makes the Quebec government angry. Quebec .
wants to control its own money and take care of its economy independently. .
That way the Quebec government is sure to get the right proportion of.
money so that it can help its economy and lower the dept.
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