be elected on the basis of representation by population. This was not an.
idea that any French Canadian would have been in support of, because of the.
substantial population difference between the English and the French. This.
idea of "rep by pop" had many French Canadians worrying about losing their.
culture because of the lack of governmental representation for their.
people. Cartier was one of the leading opposition to "Rep by pop" in.
Canada. He didn't want to see the French Canadian culture squeezed out of.
the people because the English were making all of the laws.
One of the main problems that many people saw with Canadian confederacy.
was the differing cultures. No one thought that these cultures would be.
able to work together in running a country. The leading English politician.
of the time, was John A. Macdonald. He and Cartier were long time.
political allies.5 When Cartier heard Macdonald's plan for confederation.
he was quick to jump on the confederacy bandwagon. Cartier`s opinion was.
that the local control of provinces under confederacy would be instrumental.
in the survival of French culture.6 Cartier thought that a federal union.
would prove to be very prosperous, and no one culture would come to.
dominate it, because of the diversity of the nations population.7 Also on.
the subject of differing cultures, Cartier compared the confederation of.
Canada to the United Kingdom. He said that their are three very different.
cultures residing in the United Kingdom, and that hasn't stopped them from.
prospering, or becoming one of the most powerful nations in the world.8.
Cartier didn't seem to think that the differing cultures were that much of.
a problem. He believed that having multiculturalism within the nation.
would lead to each party involved contributing to the general wealth of the.
nation and that because of this, prosperity of the new nation would.
Another one of Cartier's concerns for French Canada was if they didn't.
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